Investigation of Pressure Pulsation in Suction Pipe on Rotary Compressor
The compreSSlOn performance of a rolling plston type rotary compressor was analyzed Wlth attention to the pres sure pulsatlon in the suction pipe. In a displacement compressor, the pressure pulsatio n comes from lntermlttent suctlon. The authors analyzed and expe rimented Wlth the super-charge effect of pulsatlon actively to inc rease the suction volume. The mathematical model was constructed for the elem ents, and it was solved by the method of characteristics. The pressure pulsation measurements were performed under varlous plpe s pecifications and rotating speeds to verify the model. Then, the me chanism of suction line pressure pulsation and the influence of the suction specifications were discussed. It was confirmed that the be st pipe length and diameter could result in a 10% increase of the char ge for the rolling piston type rotary compressor. INTRODUCTION It is well known that a displacement compressor su cks and discharges intermlttently, thereby generating pressure pulsations in the piping system. In regard to the pressure pulsati on in the suction line of a reclprocatlng and rotary compressor, se veral studles are reported with attentlOn to reduclng the vibratio n and the suction passage loss.( 1 ),( 2 ) The pressure pulsation in the suction llne may give rlse to a charging effect, enabling the volume trlC efficlency to be improved.(]) In the present study, with attention focused on the lnfluence of the pressure pulsation on a super-charge effect and compressor efficiency of the rolllng piston type rotary compresso r, the lnfluences of suctlon pipe specifications were examined ln de tail, both theoretically and experlmentally. A mathematlcal model was constructed for the suct ion line elements, assuming that the pressure and the density in an accumulator were constant, and solved by the method of characte ristlcS. The suctlon volume ~nd the suction chamber pressure are measured with air and R-22 respectively to verify the mathem at~cal model. The mass flow rate and the lnd>cated work were calcula ted under various pipe specifications and rotating speeds. And the mechanism of suction line pressure pulsation and the influence of t he suctlon specifications were discussed. As a results of this study, it was conf1rmed that the best pipe length and diameter could result ln a 101 lncrease of the charge for the rolling piston type rotary compressor.