Numerical simulation of air-sea coupling during coastal upwelling

Abstract Air–sea coupling during coastal upwelling was examined through idealized three-dimensional numerical simulations with a coupled atmosphere–ocean mesoscale model. Geometry, topography, and initial and boundary conditions were chosen to be representative of summertime coastal conditions off the Oregon coast. Over the 72-h simulations, sea surface temperatures were reduced several degrees near the coast by a wind-driven upwelling of cold water that developed within 10–20 km off the coast. In this region, the interaction of the atmospheric boundary layer with the cold upwelled water resulted in the formation of an internal boundary layer below 100-m altitude in the inversion-capped boundary layer and a reduction of the wind stress in the coupled model to half the offshore value. Surface heat fluxes were also modified by the coupling. The simulated modification of the atmospheric boundary layer by ocean upwelling was consistent with recent moored and aircraft observations of the lower atmosphere off t...

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