Are You Watching Me? A Look at Panoptic Perceptions Surrounding Computer Monitoring Systems

Information systems are prevalent across private, public, and government organizations. Specifically, different types of computer monitoring systems (CMS) play an important role in efficient management. However, many CMS implementations are troubled and can even lead to failure. A possible reason for these CMS issues is employee awareness of being “watched” by an electronic system. Since all information systems have the inherent ability to collect data, they can monitor employees to some degree even if it isn’t their primary purpose. The following conceptual research seeks to provide further understanding of how panoptic perception contributes to CMS implementation and use issues. Specifically, propositions concerning CMS are developed through literature review, and then a published CMS case is re-examined for support. Through the lens of actor network theory (ANT), an alternative understanding is presented of factors that shaped a particular CMS implementation, and the panoptic perceptions that led to a problematic start and ultimate failure of the implementation are highlighted.

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