Microprogrammed Systems: An Introduction to Firmware Theory
Part 1 Logic operators and memories: combinational logic operators sequential logic operators Random Access and Read Only memories. Part 2 Binary decision trees and diagrams: analysis and synthesis of binary decision trees analysis and synthesis of binary decision diagrams software implementations hardware implementations. Part 3 Sub-programs and procedures: linear flowchart sub-programs and decision trees procedures and stacks decomposition of counters decomposition of trees. Part 4 Incremental programs: incrementation sequencer and interpreter for the language L3. Part 5 Structured programs: structuring programs structured languages asynchronous sequential systems synchronous sequential systems an application - combinational system. Part 6 Top-down programs: software implementation - successive refinements hardware implementation - specialized processor. Part 7 Microprogramming a universal processor: universal processing unit instruction unit case study - specification for a compiler for the language L3 case study - the microprogram PASCALINE applications - bootstrapping, auto-compilation, interpretation. Appendices: Simplification of a discrete function reduction of a discrete function reduction of a binary decision tree reduction of a binary decision diagram number systems conventions.