해외 천연가스 파이프라인 사업 진출을 위한 사업계획단계 의사결정 프로세스 모델 구축

Demand of Natural Gas (NG) consumption is continuously increasing by long service life and low environmental impact than other fossil fuels. Because of this reasons, Gas wells exploration and huge LNG plant construction project are being boosted world-widely. Especially, overseas NG pipe-line projects are emerging by considering safe and efficiency at the intercountry sections. At the same time, Korean contractors are being achieved to record-breaking performance at 2011’s overseas construction market and 80% of new-record was attained from overseas plant construction projects. Nevertheless, Korean contractors are behind than overseas leading contractors by geographical distance from gas wells and concentrated demand for storage plant. In these reasons, this paper aims to develop the standardized business process model(BPM) for overseas NG pipe-line project at project planning phase to support the project entry. To this aim, first of all, extract the BPM through the broad literature and overseas construction market review and domestic/overseas pipe-line project analysis. Second, Test-bed was performed to confirm of practical applicability by 4 experts. And then 15 experts survey were performed to validate the usability and effectiveness of BPM for overseas NG pipe-line project. Consequently, if Korean contractors are using this BPM with their own know-how and experiences, it will be returned to more reasonable and rational references for decision making in overseas NG pipe-line project.