Power-Aware Design of An 8-Bit Pipelining ANT-Based CLA Using Data Transition Detection

A high speed and low-power 8-bit carry-lookahead adder (CLA) using two-phase all-N-transistor (ANT) blocks which are arranged in a PLA design style with power-aware pipelining is presented. The pull-up charging and pull-down discharging of the transistor arrays of the PLA are accelerated by inserting two feedback MOS transistors between the evaluation NMOS blocks and the outputs. The analysis of the area (transistor count) tradeoff is also provided in this work. The output of the addition of two 8-bit binary numbers is done in two cycles. The proposed power-aware pipelining design methodology using a simple data transition detection circuit takes advantage of shutting down the processing stages with identical inputs in two consecutive cycles. The data transition detection circuit is used to monitor the state switching of input data. Not only is it proved to be also suitable for long adders, the power consumption is drastically reduced by at most 50% at every process corner.