Rehabilitation of the resorbed maxilla and mandible using autogenous bone grafts and osseointegrated implants.

This study reviews 29 consecutively treated patients who underwent a variety of autogenous alveolar augmentation procedures to their resorbed maxilla or mandible followed by delayed placement of Branemark dental implants. One additional patient had frozen femoral head allogenic bone as a graft. A suggested treatment protocol is outlined for rehabilitation of the resorbed maxilla and mandible without the need to compromise the basic biological principles of osseointegration proposed by Branemark. A total of 114 implants were placed in the grafted areas. Twelve implants were removed from three patients. This represents a success rate of 100% in the mandible and 86% in the maxilla. As a result of this treatment, 28 patients wear fixed implant-supported prostheses, and two patients wear overdentures.