Human-reliability data bank for nuclear power plant operations. Volume 1. A review of existing human-reliability data banks

To assess adequately the impact of human performance on nuclear power plant reliability using probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) techniques, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission determined that a human reliability data bank should be developed. Sandia National Laboratories contracted with General Physics Corporation to (1) determine the applicability of existing human reliability data banks to nuclear power plant PRAs, and (2) develop a concept for a human reliability data bank and a program for its implementation. The results of the first task are given in Volume 1 of NUREG/CR-2744, while Volume 2 of the same NUREG contains the results of the data bank concept development task. This report describes a survey and comparative analysis of previous and current attempts to quantify and predict human operator and maintainer performance as a function of design, training, procedural, or situational factors. An assessment was made of these methods and techniques as to their potential applicability to PRA and as a supplement to the data and procedures in NUREG/CR-1278. Five previously established human reliability data banks were reviewed along with five current systems, all of which inlcude estimates of human error related events. The data banks were evaluated against a set of criteria intended tomore » serve as guidelines for an idealized human reliability data reporting, storage, and retrieval system. It was concluded that insufficient data currently exist in these systems to adequately support nuclear PRA activities, and it was therefore recommended that a human reliability data bank specific to nuclear power plant PRA applications be developed. The appendices to Volume 1 reproduce the previously established data banks in their entirety and selected tables from currently existing data banks.« less