Construct a power-efficient and space-reuse-effective dominating set using small-world model in mobile ad hoc networks

In this paper, we proposed a novel distributed power management and clustering scheme for a large scale of ad hoc networks. An inappropriate transmission power leads to high power consumption and interference, thus we introduce a power management and clustering scheme to maintain coverage and to minimize interference using the small world model that provides a good starting point to sustain connectivity. This scheme reduces number of relay nodes and relay packets by constructing the virtual backbone with clusters. Our proposed scheme divided a large contention domain into small ones. Owing to power management for each node, space reuse is effective. Furthermore, the power consumption is obviously reduced by our proposed scheme. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. An appropriate value of node degree could construct a giant component and would not violate the power-law of degree distribution. This study introduces a power management and clustering scheme to maintain coverage and to minimize interference using the small world model that provides a good starting point to sustain connectivity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.