Optimization of Linear Cooperation in Spectrum Sensing Over Correlated Log-normal Shadow Fading Channels

The objective of cooperative spectrum sensing is to collaboratively detect the presence of the primary user by the aid of multiple secondary users. It is known that the performance of such a framework substantially depends on the fading assumption. In this paper, we propose an advanced framework for linear cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks over correlated log-normal shadow fading channels. Considering the realistic sensing and reporting channels which are not addressed in similar works, motivates us to propose a novel approximation for correlated log-normal sum based on moment generating function calculation and moment matching method. Furthermore, the linear cooperative spectrum sensing coefficients are computed based on the optimization of the deflection criterion. This results in a framework with reasonable complexity which is suitable for practical applications. Simulation results show the excellent agreement between the exact and approximated statistics and the superior performance compared with conventional equally gain combiner.

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