[Abstract]: Proposed applications for broadband wireless local area
networks may include the use of bodyworn or
handportable terminals. The proximity of the user's
body has a significant effect on the radio propagation
characteristics through spatial filtering of the multipath
channel. This paper compares measurements and
simulations of a narrowband 5.2 GHz radio channel
with a fwed transmitter and a bodywom receiver. The
modelling technique was a site-specific ray-tracing
simulator incorporating a modified three-dimensional
radiation pattem of the bodyworn receiver. Two indoor
environments were considered, an 18 m long corridor
and a 42 m* office. The results show that the received
power envelope and local mean values are strongly
dependent. on body shadowing in relation to the direct
ray. In the corridor, 'the predicted non-line-of sight
(NLOS) mean received powers was 13.6 dB lower than
for line-of-sight (LOS). In the office, the predicted
NLOS received power was 5.2 dB lower than LOS. The
measured body shadowing effect was lower: 5.4 dB for
the corridor and 3.8 dB for the office. Further analysis
of level crossing rate and average fade duration showed
that the prediction tool tended to underestimate the
degree of fading. This was attributed to the movement
limitations of the body model used.
H. Hashemi,et al.
The indoor radio propagation channel
Proc. IEEE.
William Scanlon,et al.
Hybrid image/ray-shooting UHF radio propagation predictor for populated indoor environments
William Scanlon,et al.
Numerical analysis of bodyworn UHF antenna systems
Alan E. Jones,et al.
An experimental study of OFDM at 5.25 GHz in an office environment
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun..
F. Halsall,et al.
Propagation measurements in an indoor radio environment at 2, 5 and 17 GHz