DNase I-hypersensitive sites in the 5'-flanking region of the rat serum albumin gene: correlation between chromatin structure and transcriptional activity.

As tested by DNase I digestion, the chromatin structure in several regions 5' to the rat serum albumin gene varies in tissues and cell lines that differ in transcription rate of this gene. Three DNase I-hypersensitive regions were found in hepatocyte nuclei but not in kidney cell nuclei. The sites were approximately 2.8 kbp (site 1), 0.2 kbp (site 2), and 0.05 kbp (site 3) upstream from the cap site of the gene. In rat fetal liver tissue and rat hepatoma cell lines (FaO, C2, and C2-rev7), as well as in cultured primary hepatocytes where the rate of albumin gene transcription is lower than in adult liver, hypersensitive site (HSS) 1 was absent while sites 2 and 3 were present. In addition, the C2 cell line, which does not express albumin mRNA, contains a different HSS at position -1.5 kbp. Factors (proteins) bound to sites 2 and 3 may allow cell-specific transcription, but the additional factor interaction at site 1 could be required for a maximal rate of albumin gene transcription.