Safeport: on-board visualization of hydro-meteorological effects on ferries entering and berthing the Port of Gdynia, Poland. The end product of Safeport is ship adapted visualization software, presented on the ferry bridge, which gives recommendations on the safest harbor approach taking into account prevailing hydro-meteorological conditions. Main system components include a dynamic model assimilating real time hydro-meteorological data and ship specific wind-current response information. Safeport is a joint project between Polish (Gdynia Maritime University, Port of Gdynia Authority S.A., Ship Design and Research Centre S.A and Sprint Sp.Z.) And Norwegian partners (Aanderaa Data Instruments A/S and NIVA) running over a time period of 3 years from 2010-2012. The overall goal of the project were to improve the safety during approach, entering and berthing of large ships (e.g. ferries) in ports and harbors. Gdynia harbor, one of the largest in the Baltic Sea, and the bay of Gdansk was selected as the major test site for this project. The main task for the Norwegian partners (Aanderaa and NIVA) was: Computer modelling of physical conditions (winds, waves, currents, water level and density) in and around the Gdynia harbor. To calibrate and validate the model multiple instruments were deployed in the area. The output is a dynamic model that needs continuous input of wind data from a weather station installed in the frames of Safeport. With this information the model can predict wind and currents in the entire bay as well as just outside and in the harbor.