Tri-level Combination for Image Representation

The context of objects can provide auxiliary discrimination beyond objects. However, this effective information has not been fully explored. In this paper, we propose Tri-level Combination for Image Representation TriCoIR to solve the problem at three different levels: object intrinsic, strongly-related context and weakly-related context. Object intrinsic excludes external disturbances and more focuses on the objects themselves. Strongly-related context is cropped from the input image with a more loose bound to contain surrounding context. Weakly-related one is recovered from the image other than object for global context. First, strongly and weakly-related context are constructed from input images. Second, we make cascade transformations for more intrinsical object information, which depends on the consistency between generated global context and input images in the regions other than object. Finally, a joint representation is acquired based on these three level features. The experiments on two benchmark datasets prove the effectiveness of TriCoIR.

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