Estimating Power Transformer High Frequency Model Parameters Using Frequency Response Analysis

Frequency response analysis (FRA) has become a widely accepted technique by worldwide utilities to detect winding and core deformations within power transformers. The main drawback of this technique is its reliance on the personnel level of expertise more than standard or automated codes. To establish reliable FRA interpretation codes, accurate high frequency transformer model that can emulate the frequency characteristics of real transformers in a wide frequency range is essential. The model can be used to investigate the impact of various winding and core deformations on the transformer FRA signature. The transformer equivalent high frequency electric circuit parameters can be calculated based on design data, which are rarely available, especially for old transformers. As such, this paper presents an artificial intelligence technique to estimate these parameters from the transformer FRA signature. The robustness of the proposed technique is assessed through its application on three, 3-phase power transformers of different ratings, sizes, and winding structures to estimate their high frequency electric circuit parameters during normal and fault conditions. Results show that the proposed technique can estimate equivalent circuit parameters with high accuracy and helps interpret the FRA signature based on the numerical changes of these parameters. The main advantage of this approach is the physical meaning of the model parameters facilitates reliable identification of various faults and hence aids in establishing reliable interpretation codes for transformer FRA signatures.

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