Valuing the Benefits of Landscape Restoration: a Case Study of the Cotentin in Lower-Normandy, France

Abstract The disappearance of features such as hedgerows and small fields in Western France has become an important policy issue. One response to this concern is to support environmental schemes whose objectives are to regenerate existing hedges and to create new ones. This paper deals with a project which would extend a pilot scheme over a wide area affected by both plot consolidation and Dutch elm disease. The contingent valuation method is used to derive the benefits which the general public would receive from this project. The referendum question format was used to estimate the resident population's willingness-to-pay for landscape restoration. On the whole residents accepted the contingent market and were willing to contribute an important amount (FF 200, i.e. Ecu 30·9) on average per household per year. This varies according to individual characteristics (e.g. income and education), environmental concern and recreational experience. The study illustrates the importance of including this landscape component in benefit–cost analysis.