Bloodlines: From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism

* Deadly Distinctions: The Rise of Ethnic Violence * Ethnic Tents: Descriptions of Large-Group Identities * Anwar el-Sadat Goes to Jerusalem: The Psychology of International Conflicts Observed at Close Range * Chosen Trauma: Unresolved Mourning * Ancient Fuel for a Modern Inferno: Time Collapse in Bosnia-Herzegovina * We-ness: Identifications and Shared Reservoirs * Enemy Images: Minor Differences and Dehumanization * Two Rocks in the Aegean Sea: Turks and Greeks in Conflict * Unwanted Corpses in Latvia: An Attempt at Purification * A Palestinian Orphanage: Rallying Around a Leader * Ethnic Terrorism and Terrorists: Belonging by Violence * From Victim to Victimizer: The Leader of the PKK (Kurdish Workers Party) * Totem and Taboo in Romania: The Internalization of a Dead Leader and Restabilization of an Ethnic Tent * Experiment in Estonia: Unofficial Diplomacy at Work * Afterword: Psychoanalysis and Diplomacy