Proof assistants often call automated theorem provers to prove subgoals. However, each prover has its own proof calculus and the proof traces that it produces often lack many details to build a complete proof. Hence these traces are hard to check and reuse in proof assistants. Dedukti is a proof checker whose proofs can be translated to various proof assistants: Coq, HOL, Lean, Matita, PVS. We implemented a tool that extracts TPTP subproblems from a TSTP file and reconstructs complete proofs in Dedukti using automated provers able to generate Dedukti proofs like ZenonModulo or ArchSAT. This tool is generic: it assumes nothing about the proof calculus of the prover producing the trace, and it can use different provers to produce the Dedukti proof. We applied our tool on traces produced by automated theorem provers on the CNF problems of the TPTP library and we were able to reconstruct a proof for a large proportion of them, significantly increasing the number of Dedukti proofs that could be obtained for those problems.
Stephan Schulz,et al.
System Description: E 1.8
Geoff Sutcliffe.
The TPTP Problem Library and Associated Infrastructure
Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Damien Doligez,et al.
Zenon : An Extensible Automated Theorem Prover Producing Checkable Proofs
Damien Doligez,et al.
Zenon Modulo: When Achilles Outruns the Tortoise Using Deduction Modulo
Geoff Sutcliffe.
The 9th IJCAR Automated Theorem Proving System Competition - CASC-J9
AI Commun..
François Thiré.
Sharing a Library between Proof Assistants: Reaching out to the HOL Family
Gilles Dowek,et al.
Dedukti : a Logical Framework based on the λ Π-Calculus Modulo Theory
David Delahaye,et al.
SMT Solving Modulo Tableau and Rewriting Theories