Some phytoregulators to increase the fertility of the olive flowers

This research investigated the flower abortion characteristics in the Kushan olive variety (Olea europaea L.). Kushan variety shows forced sterility, ovarian abnormalities and cytogenetic causes in the formation of pollen and the division of chromosomes. The stimultants treatments were done in three trees per treatment as follows: (i) BA 200 ppm, (ii) GA3 200 ppm, (iii) TIBA 200 ppm, (iv) Bor 3g/l (v) Control, Water Treatment. The flowers abortion resulted statistically different. The application of GA3 resulted in 11% fertile flowers more than control group. In conclusion, the ovarian abortion of flowers in the Kushan cultivar depends not only on the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the flower but also on the physiological processes during floral maturation.