Optimizing Interprocess Communication for Embedded Real-Time Systems

S. Poledna Abstract: This paper discusses the problem of message-based interprocess communication in embedded real-time control systems and its appropriate operating system support. Based on state message semantics a novel optimization approach for interprocess communication is introduced. This approach provides high efficiency with respect to execution time and memory requirements. Its high efficiency is achieved by exploiting a priori available knowledge about the static system structure in an embedded system for optimizations. The operating system can thus provide a general purpose state message communication mechanism. But instead of using a general purpose implementation the actual implementation is tailored for a given application scenario. A case study based on a real application in the context of automotive electronics is carried out. This study shows the superior performance of the presented optimization strategy compared to event-messages and unoptimized state messages. Furthermore, it shows that systematic application of message-based interprocess communication becomes possible with the optimized communication mechanism. The optimized state message mechanism presented here has influenced the design of the operating system ERCOS [17] which will be used by Bosch for a next generation of automotive control units. for a given application scenario. A case study based on a real application in the context of automotive electronics is carried out. This study shows the superior performance of the presented optimization strategy compared to event-messages and unoptimized state messages. Furthermore, it shows that systematic application of message-based interprocess communication becomes possible with the optimized communication mechanism. The optimized state message mechanism presented here has influenced the design of the operating system ERCOS [17] which will be used by Bosch for a next generation of automotive control units.