강경 도심 장옥형(長屋形) 주택의 유형적 특성 연구

The objective of this study is to clarify the typological characteristics of the Nagaya-type house type at the civic center of Ganggyeong. Through the research, it is found out that the Nagaya-style house was built at Ganggyeong's civic center in 1920s ∼1930s, and it has unique characteristics as follows; The Nagaya-type house mainly consists of 2 or 3 house units, and some Nagaya-type houses are transformed into the detached house with single house unit. The mode of lot area of the Nagaya-type house is 90.0㎡, which is smaller than those of other house types. The mode of lot's front-side ratio is 0.5, which is similar with those of other house types. The lots are generally accessed by the front street, without regard to the orientation of building. The space layouts are classified into 3 patterns, which in common show the division of commercial and dwelling territories. Especially unlike Japan's Nagaya, the Nagaya-type house is characterized by the development of the private rear yard.