[The prevalence of antibodies to the rubella virus in pregnant women at a health center].

OBJECTIVE To know the prevalence of antibodies against rubella in pregnant women of a health centre. DESIGN Cross-sectional descriptive study, for 4 years. SETTING Llíria health centre. Zone 9. Area 5. Valencia. PATIENTS Random sample of 405 pregnant women (15-45 years) of 3500 women in fertile age, extracted from the obstetrics unity. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS We collected the following variable: age of the mother in the last gestation, number of previous gestations (including abortions), determination of antibodies against rubella, degree of schooling and occupation index. The results show a prevalence of antibodies against rubella of the 95.2% (CI 95% 93.1-97.3). We find meaningful differences between the antibodies protective titles and the age (p < 0.0005) and instruction level (p = 0.0263), so when the women are elder and they have a instruction level better the antibodies protective titles are bigger. We don't find meaningful differences with the mother occupational level (p = 0.0945), either with the number of previous gestations (p = 0.2947). The prevalence of antibodies against rubella, according to groups of age in the pregnant women population, varies from 81.8% (CI 95% 59.7-94.8) in the group of 15 to 19 years, until a 100% (CI 95% 66.4-100) in the group of 40-44 years. The relationship between the number of gestations and the lack immunization against rubella is for the first pregnancy 52.6%, second pregnancy 36.8%, several pregnancy 10.5%. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of antibodies against rubella in pregnant women is 95%, similar to other published studies. This prevalence increases with the age what suggests the primary paper of the wild virus in the maintenance of the rate of prevalence. It should be to incise more in the immunization after the labour, overcoat, in those pregnant women with less schooling, so corroborate our results. It is necessary to take the adequate measures so that 47.4% of the total of seronegative women (with more than one pregnancy), don't escape to the controls of the sanitary system.