Introduction to Computer Programming with Visual Basic 6: A Problem-Solving Approach

Introduction to Computer Programming with Visual Basic 6: A Problem-Solving Approach is written for students with little or no programming experience. This comprehensive text equips students with the skills necessary to develop computer applications in any language by helping them develop a framework for creating programs. Each chapter illustrates the application of this framework from Step 1 (Analysis) to Step 6 (Completing the Documentation) through a programming case study. The authors emphasize the program development life cycle and fundamental programming concepts such as data types, loops, decisions, and arrays. FEATURES *To further highlight the authors' emphasis on programming concepts instead of GUI elements, a limited number of program controls are used in the examples. To provide greater flexibility to instructors, more GUI elements are included in Appendix A, "Visual Basic User Interface Objects." The preface and the Instructor's Resource Manual provide teaching tips on how to incorporate the controls presented in Appendix A in lab exercises or projects *Object-Event Diagrams are introduced in Chapter 1 to help students understand the importance of events *Two chapters on database programming (Chapter 10 and 11) offer students the skills needed to develop more robust database applications *Chapter 12 is devoted to fundamental object-oriented programming concepts and techniques for developing object-oriented programs in Visual Basic to reinforce this new standard for developing software *The authors offer outstanding pedagogical aids such as common examples that build on previous concepts, a multitude of end-of-chapter short answer and programming exercises, and plenty of programming projects