Anorexia Nervosa: Two Cases of Male—Female Dizygotic Adolescent Twins

The dose was increased gradually to 6 mg/day and was kept at that level for 16 weeks. Although, there was no improvement of her psychotic symptoms, there was a definite worsening of her hoarding. She foraged in the rubbish bins for discarded fruits, ransacked the lockers of fellow patients, and hoarded a variety of other items like toothbrushes, slippers, magazines, sweet wrappers, and soiled tissue papers. She would be agitated when thwarted and tried to hide the items in various places in the ward. After 16 weeks, risperidone was discontinued. The intensity of her hoarding reduced over the next 2 weeks to the same level as it was before risperidone was added. There was no improvement of her psychotic symptoms.