DAP: Efficient Detection Against Probabilistic Cloning Attacks in Anonymous RFID Systems

Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems have achieved wide applications in various scenarios, such as warehouse management, logistic tracking, smart transportation, etc. Despite the enormous benefits from the RFID systems, the security issues are still of great concern, such as the cloning attacks. In this article, we focus on the detection of probabilistic cloning attacks for the anonymous RFID systems, in which each cloned genuine tag suffers attacks from its clone tags with a certain probability. We propose an efficient detection protocol against the probabilistic cloning attacks in anonymous RFID systems named DAP, which can detect the probabilistic cloning attacks with the required detection reliability <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\alpha$</tex-math></inline-formula> if at least one tag is attacked with the probability no less than the threshold <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$P_T$</tex-math></inline-formula>. The proposed DAP protocol fully utilizes the inconsistency and unreconcilable collision caused by the probabilistic cloning attacks to effectively detect the probabilistic cloning attacks.The parameters are theoretically analyzed to maximize the detection efficiency. The extensive simulations are conducted and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DAP protocol.