항만 부두 배후지 준설토 투기장 가호안 축조공사 지오텍스타일 튜브 시공 사례
The geotextile tubes were applied to construct temporary dike for dredging at Busan new port south container terminal. This project is to deal with the dredging soils which were caused by dredging operations of sailing route in Busan new port and the construction of ports and is to construct background area for the south container port. The project was mainly composed of constructing the outside revetment which is 1,042 m long and the inside revetment which is 1,617 m long. Hyundai proposed an alternative plan applying the geotextile tubes to construct the inside revetment in order to reduce the amount of the sand for the sand mound by 900,000 ㎥ and to enlarge the capacity of dredging soil ground by 1,000,000 ㎥.