TACFIRE: A case history of a weapon system software development

The Tactical Fire Direction System (TACFIRE) is a computer based system for support of U.S. Army artillery units. This paper reviews the system requirements and traces the development history from 1959 to the present fielding of the first sets. Emphasis throughout is on software development aspects of the program. The study focuses on program management issues including contractual considerations that influenced the progress of the software and system development efforts. Lessons learned are identified along with areas recommended for careful review and considerations by program managers of software intensive systems. Material for this study was collected largely from existing documentation [Selected Acquisition Reports (SARs), Command Review and Assessment of Projects (RECAP's), and Historical Summaries] supplemented by extensive personal interviews with personnel currently and previously associated with the TACFIRE program, both on the government and contractor sides. In the interest of obtaining as much information as possible to make this a useful document, all interviews were conducted on a ''not for attribution'' basis. Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Defense University, the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, and other U.S. government agency, or any private organization.