Demo Abstract: Low Power Mesh Networking with Telos and IEEE 802.15.4

A family of low power wireless sensor network devices havebeen built to enable research and deployments. The deviceshave featured commercial off the shelf (COTS) componentsintegrated together on a platform commonly referred to as a”mote”, designed by the University of California, Berkeley.Motes have been used to evaluate wireless sensor networkalgorithms as well as for environmental monitoring and ob-ject tracking deployments. Miniature wireless devices areideal for high density long term deployments in areas other-wise unsuitable for wired connections or passive devices. Wedesigned and built a new mote platform, Telos (see Figure1), for use in ultra low power wireless sensor networks [3].Featuring a TI MSP430 microcontroller, a CC2420 IEEE802.15.4 compliant radio, and built in sensors, Telos is thelowest power mote to date. IEEE 802.15.4 provides packethandling support and sophisticated channel encoding andencryption not found in previous wireless transceivers. Us-ing these new primitives, we show robust, low power wirelessmesh networking using IEEE 802.15.4.