Manufacturing strategy-a lesson in application

In the hostile and dynamic business environment viable strategies for survival are paramount, yet typical corporate strategies give little attention to the role of manufacture which is assumed to be reactive. To respond to increasing global competition, manufacturing companies need to implement a proactive manufacturing strategy in which the manufacturing system acquires capabilities in advance of need. This approach matches the manufacturing resources to the demands of a company's external environment in terms of products, delivery, quality and price. Companies can gain a competitive advantage by the introduction of appropriate systems to support and control the product development process. Of the plethora of tools and techniques available the winning combination will comprise a carefully selected set of systems, implemented in line with a strategic plan for the future needs of the company. Computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacture (CAM) techniques are one group of systems and significant advantages accrue by placing product information within a CAD-CAM environment. As more elements are automated the lead time to market of new products is reduced enabling manufacturers who have invested in this technology to remain profitable in the face of increasing competition.