Nanostructure, Texture Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation

Various research works have been conducted to replace heavy steel body constructions with lighter aluminum ones to achieve stronger energy consumption and environmental standards. The most important technical obstacle to this goal is the inferior ductility of most aluminum sheet alloys. It has been reported that control of the microstructure and the texture of materials is essential for improvement of their mechanical properties (Lee et al., 2002). Reducing the grain size of polycrystalline metallic materials to the nanosize (d < 100 nm, nanocrystalline) or submicron levels (100 nm< d <1 μm, ultra-fine grain) is an effective and relatively economic way of improving mechanical properties such as strength, toughness, or wear resistance in structural materials (Kim et al., 2006; Prangnell et al., 2001) which even can give rise to superplastic behavior under appropriate loading conditions (Perez-Prado et al., 2004). Since it is practically difficult to reduce the grain size of many metallic materials such as aluminum alloys below 5 μm by a conventional cold working and recrystallization process, several new methods are developed to manufacture ultrafine grained (UFG) materials (Kim et al., 2006). These methods can be classified into two main groups namely bottom-up and top-down processes. In the bottom-up procedures, such as rapid solidification, vapor deposition and mechanical alloying, an ultra-fine microstructures is configured from the smallest possible constituents which are prohibited to grow into the micrometer domain (Perez-Prado et al., 2004). In the top-down procedures, on the other hand, an existing microscale microstructure is refined to the submicrometer scale, e.g. by a process such as severe plastic deformation (SPD) (Perez-Prado et al., 2004; Saito et al., 1999). The ancient Persian swords are the interesting examples of severe upset forging for development of fine microstructures (Sherby and Wadsworth, 2001). By now, various SPD processes such as accumulative roll bonding (ARB) (Saito et al., 1999), cyclic extrusion compression (CEC) (Richert J. & Richert M., 1986), equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) (Valiev et al., 1991), and high pressure torsion (HPT) (Horita et al., 1996) have been proposed and successfully applied to various materials. The common feature of these techniques is that the net shape of the sample during processing is approximately constant, so that there is no geometric limitation on the applied strain (Prangnell et al., 2001). Among these processes, accumulative roll bonding has some unique features. Firstly,