해상풍력단지 기초에 관한 수치해석적 연구

Onshore wind farms having several problems, difficult to secure a building site and incur the enmity of the people. Therefore, offshore wind farms are increasingly expected, because there are huge resource and large site in offshore. If huge wind turbines are constructed, the offshore wind power base is concerned about subsidence. In order to confirm the ground stability, estimation of subsidence is necessary. In this paper, the subsidence is predicted by continuity model when the gravity and the mono-pile base are constructed on soft ground. The FLAC 3D, three dimensional FDM program, was adopted to analysis subsidence. Input factors are yielded by geological information at the yeompo quay in ulsan and the results of laboratory experiments. It has been compared that the original ground with improved ground under the gravity base, and constructed mono-pile under the mono-pile base.