Exploration of Curvature of Three Dimensional Convex Object by Active Touch of Robot Hand

The criteria for determining the elements are the minimum zone method(MZM) and the least squares method(LSM). The LSM is deterministic and simple but is limited at the measurements whose errors are significant compared with form errors. For the precise condition, minimum zone method(MZM) has been selected to determine the elements. It is not deterministic and nonlinear so that a optimizing procedure is needed. The Straightness is the fundamental problem in the evaluating form error. In this paper, a new approach adapting the genius education concept is proposed to obtain an accurate results for the minimum zone problem of the straightness. Its computational algorithm is studied on a set of randomly generated data. To be of almost no account of the specification(the number and the standard devistion etc.) of the sample data, the results shows excellent reliability and high accuracy in estimating the straightness.