PingER was developed by Stanford Linear Accelerated Center as a tool for internet End-to-End monitoring. The PingER measurement tool can be deployed on host servers running UNIX based systems, however these servers do have their limitations. The Extension of the PingER project to the Android ecosystem would have the advantages like greater power efficiency, ease of installation, maintenance, reduction in storage dimensions and better affordability. In order to develop this extension, a monitoring site was set up at Amity University, India for understanding the data collection process, which was further used to develop a mirror implementation on Android through native Android development tools and strategies. In this research work, two models have been proposed that explore the feasibility and implementation of the concept of extension of PingER on Android. We compared the two models and chose to implement a model that used the native Android tools rather than mimicking the original Perl based implementation.
Abhay Bansal,et al.
Analysis and clustering of PingER network data
2016 6th International Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence).
Steve Hanna,et al.
Android permissions demystified
CCS '11.
Bansal Abhay,et al.
Correlation analysis on real-time tab-delimited network monitoring data
L. Cottrell.
Measuring the Digital Divide with PingER
Abhay Bansal,et al.
Application for the emulation of PingER on android devices
2016 6th International Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence).
R. Les Cottrell,et al.
PingER History and Methodology
A. Salomaa.
Regular expression
Les Cottrell,et al.
The PingER project: active Internet performance monitoring for the HENP community
IEEE Commun. Mag..