Letter to the Editor: Tackling NAFLD in Adolescent Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Reducing Liver Fat to Mimic Weight Loss

1623 duration ranged from 0.5 to 9.9 years, the median followup duration was not short, at 8.4 years for statin users (quartile 6.29.1) and 7.0 years for nonusers (quartile 4.28.9). When the incidence rate was calculated, it was lower in the statinuse period than in the statinnonuse period (5.7 versus 15.2 per 1,000 personyears, P = 0.002). Allocation bias specifically relates to how the participants are allocated to groups and is only relevant to clinical trials in which the intervention is assigned by the investigator(3); thus, it was not applicable to this study. The definition of statin users (≥2830 cumulative defined daily dose) involves widely accepted criteria.(4) The limitations of the study prevented us from drawing definitive conclusions, but the study findings support the potential benefit to patients with chronic hepatitis B and warrant a further prospective and randomized controlled trial.