Audio Description: The Visual Made Verbal
./udio Description (AD) provides a verbal version of the visual for the benefit ofpeople who are blind or have low viSIOn. SI/ccmct descriptIOns preCIsely timed to OCCl/r only during the pauses in dialogue or significant sOl/nd elements ofpel/arming arts or in media allows persons with vision impairments to have greater access to the images integral to a given work of art. AD enhances film and video, broadcast television, live performances and museum exhibltions--a Wide range ofhuman endeavor While intended as an access technique, AD has been shown to be useful for anyone who wants 10 truly notice and appreciate a morejitll perspective on any visual event. For instance, by uSing audio description. children:S books can be made accessible to kids "'ho have low vision or are blind *andcan help develop more sophisticated language skills for all kids. A picture IS worth 1000 words.? Maybe. But the audio describer might say that afew well-chosen words conjure vividand lasting images. This 60-millute workshop will introduce participants to the pnnciples ofal/dio description. how to produce quality descriptIOn, and the importance of close communication with the "end users ". -people who are blind or have low vision and all people who support/his innovative use of technology 10 provide greater arts access.