Digital Video Production in Physical Education and Athletics

Technology continues to advance rapidly; it seems like there is a new "toy" on the market every time you turn around. Separating the really useful tools from all the "bells and whistles" can be a difficult task. One area of technology that we have found to be particularly useful is digital video (DV) production. For years, physical educators and coaches have used film and videotape to record physical activity and athletic events. DV has the same benefits as both of these media, but can be less expensive, easier to use, and produce higherquality images than either of them. Best of all, it has the potential to improve both teaching and learning. In the sections that follow, we will offer an overview of the potential uses and benefits of DV in physical education and athletics. First, we will provide a brief, non-technical description of the equipment needed (a glossary of DV jargon appears in table 1).Then, we will describe how DV can be used by both teachers and coaches to facilitate learning. You will need to know three things before getting started: (1) what hardware you will need to capture DV images, (2) what software you will need to edit these images, and (3) how to store DV files.