The subvalvar aortic jet.
The purpose of this communication is to evaluate previously well described radiographic findings in subaortic stenosis (1–6, 13) and, in addition, to discuss a less commonly known angiographic finding, namely, the subvalvar aortic jet. A correct antemortem diagnosis of subvalvar aortic stenosis can sometimes be established only on the basis of combined information gained through the history, clinical examination, electrocardiogram, cardiac catheterization, and angiocardiography. In our opinion, left ventriculography and aortography play a paramount role in the diagnostic evaluation of these patients. These procedures may, on occasion, be the only means of localizing the exact site of left ventricular outlet obstruction. Subvalvar left ventricular outlet obstruction is a relatively uncommon congenital cardiac malformation, but important since the lesion is usually amenable to surgical correction (9). Angiographic demonstration and exact localization of the obstruction to left ventricular outflow, along wit...