Mplications Of Establishing Location, Physical Evidence, And Customer Satisfaction Level Of Customer Loyalty In Ritel Modern In Makassar

Currently retailing business in Makassar, from time to time increasingly in demand by the whole society. They tend to combine marketing activities and households in the shop, with a variety of other recreational activities or simply stroll. This phenomenon is at least encouraging marketers to reach and use the market opportunity to market the product in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company. This study will examine about "Implications Siting, Physical Evidence, and Consumer Satisfaction Level Of Customer Loyalty In Modern Retail Company In Makassar". Where the author chose a modern retail company (minimarkets, supermarket, hypermarket) who offer products such as food and beverage for the daily needs in the area of Makassar as the object which is currently growing so rapidly. The research approach used was survey research methods, which is a method of collecting primary data obtained directly from the original source through oral and written questions. While this type of research is Explanatory Research, which explains the causal relationship between the study variables with hypothesis testing. Collecting technique uses scale Lkert variables; 1 to 5. The technique of collecting data through interviews with managers and employees in each of the modern retail companies, to obtain information or documentation in the form of consumer data that is still active in the purchase of existing products, through questionnaires containing a list of questions which was distributed to respondents to obtain the data directly (Maholtra, 2006)(1). The population in this study is a modern retail enterprise customers who have 3 cards of customers (minimarket, supermarkets, hypermarkets), in the city of Makassar. Further sampling is done by using random sampling techniques. As for determining the number of samples is done by using Slovin opinion of the Umar Husein (2001: 78)(2). In this study, the type of data is qualitative and quantitative data obtained in the form of interviews and figures (numeric) of the questionnaire. Variables used in this study is the independent variable (independent variable), mediating variables (intervening variable) and the dependent variable (dependent variable). In this study, independent variables are location and Phyisical Evidence, mediating variables are Commitment, Switching Cost, Customer Satisfaction and the dependent variable is customer loyalty. The research model that will be used in this research is a tiered structure model and to test the hypothesis used analysis technique SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), which is operated through a program lisrel 8.80 with SPSS version 15.0.