Evaluation of low vacuum gauge using deadweight piston gauge

Deadweight piston gauge have been widely used as a fundamental instrument of precise pressure measurement because they are robust, accurate, potable, convenient to use and are able to realize the definition of pressure as farce per unit area. Basically, a deadweight piston gauge consists of a piston mounted vertically in a close-fitting cylinder filled with a gas and weights of known mass values. The pressure to be measured is applied to the base of the piston generating an upward vertical force, and is balanced by the downward gravitational force generated by weights. These instruments can be used to measure pressures above 10 kPa because of tare weights including piston. However, using a variable bell-jar pressure method and a newly developed weight loading device we can extend the application range of deadweight piston gauge to lower pressures. In this paper, we present the practical calibration results for two CDGs(Capacitance diaphragm gauge, MKS) with full-scale ranges of 1.33 kPa and 13.3 kPa, respectively.