New York State uses thermoplastic pavement markings extensivey, primarily on asphalt-concrete pavement. This report documents the performance of thermoplastic markings installed at 434 railroad crossing sites in 1976, and on 173 resurfacing projects between 1979 and 1981. Performance was surveyed annually to determine marking condition and failure modes, and construction records and site parameters were related to performance. After 1 to 3 years in service, most markings installed on new pavements were in good condition, but it appeared that most will experience substantial damage by 4 years. Markings installed at railroad crossings did not perform as well, with only about half remaining serviceable after 2 years and one-fifth after 4 years. Greater traffic and snowfall both related to increased marking wear. Pavement deterioration and severe wear patterns also appeared to contribute to short service lives at railroad crossings. After only 2 to 3 years of service, most markings had only fair reflectivity, with white markings noticeably brighter than yellow.