X-ray telescopes

This review summarises the present knowledge about X-ray reflection from real mirrors, with particular emphasis on X-ray scattering. The mirror configurations for a telescope are presented and their imaging capabilities are discussed. The fabrication techniques and the supporting metrology methods used for the manufacture of highly aspherical telescope mirrors are outlined, including direct grinding and polishing as well as replication methods. An account is given of the achievements obtained so far for the telescopes built for solar and non-solar X-ray astronomy applications.

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[3]  Peter Predehl,et al.  Fabrication Of Transmission Gratings For Use In X-Ray Astronomy , 1982 .

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[5]  Anthony J. Peacock,et al.  The Exosat mission , 1981 .

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[28]  Riccardo Giacconi,et al.  A “telescope” for soft X‐ray astronomy , 1960 .

[29]  L. Feldkamp,et al.  Electronic structure and optical constants of Ni by electron inelastic scattering , 1979 .

[30]  W. Werner,et al.  Imaging properties of Wolter I type x-ray telescopes. , 1977, Applied optics.

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[40]  E. Spiller,et al.  The first use of transmission gratings for measurements of optical constants in the soft X-ray range , 1982 .

[41]  R. Giacconi,et al.  Evidence for x Rays From Sources Outside the Solar System , 1962 .

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[43]  J. R. P. Angel,et al.  Lobster eyes as X-ray telescopes. , 1979 .

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