Modern Threats to Precision Approach and Landing - The A380 and Windgenerators and their Adequate Numerical Analysis

Classical and modern navigation, landing and radar systems rely on the radio transmission and reception. Relevant objects in the radiation field can harm the intended characteristics of these systems. Modern state-of-the-art simulation can predict in an increasing number of complicated cases the electrical performance in the presence of these objects. Countermeasures can be designed from this knowledge. This paper deals with the "threat" (potentially un-acceptable distortions) on these systems by the forthcoming new large aircraft A380 and by the windgenerators which are constructed in an increasing number sometimes close to the systems. The mathematical and numerical analyses are outlined and some results are presented. It is in particular emphasized to apply three-dimensional and sophisticated state-of-the-art methods which are adapted to the three-dimensional characteristics of the objects in contrast to inadequately simple methods. 3D-modeling examples for the A380 and windgenerators and some principle results are presented.