Thermodynamic Properties of Nitrogen Including Liquid and Vapor Phases from 63K to 2000K with Pressures to 10,000 Bar,
Tables of thermodynamic properties of nitrogen are presented for the liquid and vapor phases for temperatures from the freezing line to 2000 K and pressures to 10,000 bar. The tables include values of density, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, isochoric heat capacity (Cv), isobaric heat capacity (Cp), velocity of sound, the isotherm derivative (∂P/∂ρ)τ, and the isochor derivative (∂P/∂T)ρ. The thermodynamic property tables are based on an equation of state, P=P (ρ,T), which accurately represents liquid and gaseous nitrogen for the range of pressures and temperatures covered by the tables. Comparisons of property values calculated from the equation of state with measured values for P‐ρ‐T, heat capacity, enthalpy, latent heat, and velocity of sound are included to illustrate the agreement between the experimental data and the tables of properties presented here. The coefficients of the equation of state were determined by a weighted least squares fit to selected P‐ρ‐T data and, simultaneously, to Cv data ...