Oscillatory Event-Related Brain Dynamics

A Comparative Survey of Event Related Brain Oscillations T.H. Bullock, J.Z. Achimowicz. Physiologic and Epileptic Oscillations in a Small Invertebrate Network U. Altrup, et al. Corticohippocampal Interplay: Synopsis of a Theory R. Miller. Coherent Assembly Dynamics in the Cortex: Multineuron Recordings, Network Simulations, and Anatomical Considerations A. Aertsen, et al. Temporal Aspects of Information Processing in Areas V1 and V2 of the Macaque Monkey L.G. Nowak, et al. Oscillations and Synchrony in the Visual Cortex: Evidence for Their Functional Relevance P.R. Roelfsema, et al. Oscillatory and Nonoscillatory Synchronizations in the Visual Cortex of Cat and Monkey R. Eckhorn. Event Related Changes in the 40 Hz Electroencephalogram in Auditory and Visual Reaction Time Tasks H. Jokeit, et al. Attentional Effects on Image-Motion Related Potentials and Spectral Perturbations M. Valdes-Sosa, et al. Retinal and Cortical Oscillatory Responses to Patterned and Unpatterned Visual Stimulation in Man W.G. Sannita. 21 additional articles. Index.