Double articulation as a criterion of linguisticity

Abstract The difference between language in general and individual languages should always be kept in mind. The Saussurean dichotomy of langue vs. parole should yield before linguistically relevant vs. linguistically irrelevant. Languages should not be identified with codes. Proceeding inductively when trying to define the object of our science has proved impracticable. We should rather stipulate what we want to call a language. From a language we expect that it be actually used for communicating experience by means of a succession of vocal products analyzable into segments equated with some features of the total experience; each of those segments being analyzable into a succession of well-defined vocal units. Speaking here of dual patterning would obscure the fundamental hierarchy of the double articulation of language. The economical nature of double articulation is obvious: the vocal auditory nature of language, determining the linearity of speech, will automatically lead to it. But there is more to it than sheer economy: the analysis of experience into features corresponding to the significant units of a language makes it possible to communicate new experience by means of unexpected combinations of these units. The second articulation into phonemes is instrumental in stabilizing the perceptible forms by making them independant of the correspponding meanings.