Using Online Tests to Enhance Teaching and Learning
This article describes how online tests are used to achieve the following goals: 1) to engage and to motivate students learning chemistry; 2) to understand how students solve difficult problems; 3) to assess students learning outcomes that are listed on the course syllabus; and 4) to evaluate instructors teaching. Online testing includes online test questions and assessment questions. Both are made available on Blackboard. The online tests include chapter quizzes and review tests, two low-stake tests. Students can improve their grades as many times as they wish through the Blackboard online. Whenever mistakes are made, students are encouraged to review the course material, and to re-solve the problems. For each online test it normally takes a student three attempts to fix his or her mistakes. From these activities, students learn to be accountable for their performance and to use resources effectively. From the Grade Center instructors can View Grade Details and understand how students have handled difficult concepts. For the course assessment, however, only one attempt is allowed. The results of the assessment indicate 33% of the students have troubles distinguishing exothermic and endothermic reactions. Online testing is an innovative and effective pedagogical tool that not only bonds students and instructors; but also balances the instructors’ guidance and students’ efforts.
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