Numerical relativity higher order gravitational waveforms of eccentric, spinning, non-precessing binary black hole mergers

We use the open source, community-driven, numerical relativity software, the Einstein Toolkit to study the physics of eccentric, spinning, non-precessing binary black hole mergers with mass-ratios q = { 2 , 4 , 6 } , individual dimensionless spin parameters s z 1 = ± 0 . 6, s z 2 = ± 0 . 3, that include higher order gravitational wave modes (cid:96) ≤ 4, except for memory modes. Assuming stellar mass binary black hole mergers that may be detectable by the advanced LIGO detectors, we find that including modes up to (cid:96) = 4 increases the signal-to-noise of compact binaries between 3 . 5% to 35%, compared to signals that only include the (cid:96) = | m | = 2 mode. We used the SEOBNRE waveform model, which incorporates spin and eccentricity corrections to the waveform dynamics, to quantify the impact of including higher order wave modes to constrain the individual spins and eccentricity of black hole mergers through fitting factor calculations. Our findings indicate that the inclusion of higher order wave modes has a measurable effect in the recovery of moderately and highly eccentric black hole mergers, and thus it is essential to develop waveform models and signal processing tools that accurately describe the physics of these astrophysical sources.

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