4 TH NORTH AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION (NASKO 2013) Transition Cultures, Transition KO: Evolving Exploration, Critical Reflection, and Practical Work Milwaukee, 2013

Knowledge organization is usually discussed in the Library and Information Science community, but it is a concept rarely applied to archival science. It occurs, among other things, due the fact that until the late twentieth century the discipline did not recognize information as its object of study, studying only the record and the archive. Archival science began to consider information as its object of study when in 1988, in North America, the authors Couture, Ducharme, and Rousseau, proposed the use of the terms “organic information” and “non organic information”, defining the former as one created and received by a physical person or entity in the course of a practical activity, and the latter as one contained in bibliographical records, replacing therefore the concepts of archival and bibliographic records, in archival science research. In archival science, respect des fonds, since the second half of the nineteenth century has been considered the most important principle to the organization and representation processes. It was established in 1841 due to the need to solve the accumulation problems inside the National Tognoli, N., Guimaraes, J., & Tennis, J. (2013). Diplomatics as a methodological perspective for archival knowledge organization. NASKO, 4(1). Retrieved from http://journals.lib.washington.edu/index.php/nasko/article/view/14661