Clustering for data mining - a data recovery approach

INTRODUCTION: HISTORICAL REMARKS WHAT IS CLUSTERING Exemplary Problems Bird's Eye View WHAT IS DATA Feature Characteristics Bivariate Analysis Feature Space and Data Scatter Preprocessing and Standardizing Mixed Data K-MEANS CLUSTERING Conventional K-Means Initialization of K-Means Intelligent K-Means Interpretation Aids Overall Assessment WARD HIERARCHICAL CLUSTERING Agglomeration: Ward Algorithm Divisive Clustering with Ward Criterion Conceptual Clustering Extensions of Ward Clustering Overall Assessment DATA RECOVERY MODELS Statistics Modeling as Data Recovery Data Recovery Model for K-Means Data Recovery Models for Ward Criterion Extensions to Other Data Types One-by-One Clustering Overall Assessment DIFFERENT CLUSTERING APPROACHES Extensions of K-Means Clustering Graph-Theoretic Approaches Conceptual Description of Clusters Overall Assessment GENERAL ISSUES Feature Selection and Extraction Data Pre-Processing and Standardization Similarity on Subsets and Partitions Dealing with Missing Data Validity and Reliability Overall Assessment CONCLUSION: Data Recovery Approach in Clustering BIBLIOGRAPHY Each chapter also contains a section of Base Words