Exploring privacy paradox in information-sensitive mobile app adoption: A cross-cultural comparison

This paper proposes and tests a conceptual model of private-information sensitive mobile app adoption utilizing privacy calculus approach. It also explores the role of personality in affecting perceived benefits of using mobile apps and compares the findings across two countries: the US and China. Irrespective of the cultural environment, millennial mobile app users download apps that require access to sensitive personal information in order to satisfy their informational and social (but not entertainment) needs. Perceived privacy concern does not influence adoption or future use of private-information sensitive apps. Extraversion and agreeableness are positively related to user perceptions of benefits obtained from using apps. Proposes a model of mobile app adoption based on the privacy calculus theory.Tests the model in US and China with different extent of mobile app adoption.Explores the role of personality factors in mobile app adoption.Supports the privacy paradox phenomenon in the mobile app context.

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